About KMIT

Kansas Municipal Insurance Trust (KMIT)

Locally Staffed

Cost Effective

26 Years Providing Work Comp Insurance

Our Story

The Kansas Municipal Insurance Trust (KMIT) began providing workers’ compensation coverage to cities in 1994. KMIT is dedicated to creating a safe workplace for city employees through cost effective administration, claims management, and loss control services.


Community Colleges

Special Districts




Annual Premiums / Memberships

Currently 169 cities, 3 community colleges, 1 community EMS, 1 township, 1 agency (Kansas Municipal Energy Agency), 1 association (League of Kansas Municipalities), and 1 county participate in KMIT and contribute approximately $6 million in annual premiums.  KMIT is governed by an 11-member Board of Trustees consisting of elected and appointed officials of KMIT organizations, who are elected by the membership.

Financial Services

SSC CPA’s out of Topeka, KS provide auditing services to KMIT including quarterly reports and an annual audit.  Legacy National Audit Bureau out of Tarzana, CA provides payroll auditing services for KMIT and its member cities beginning in late January each year.  Cornerstone out of Wichita, KS provides month-to-month financial services and Risk Management consulting.

Claims Management

KMIT Claims are administered by Cowell Insurance Services out of Overland Park, KS. KMIT chose Cowell Insurance Services because they are local; they have over 40 years of claims management experience and provide a level of service second to non. KMIT Claims are handled by two experienced adjusters dedicated exclusively to service only members of KMIT.

Risk Management

KMIT has always believed that promoting a safe working environment is essential.  To assist cities in practicing this philosophy, IMA, Inc. provides loss prevention and safety services for all KMIT members. These services include safety training workshops, annual on-site inspections, and online safety videos.

Excess Insurance

KMIT’s excess workers’ compensation insurance carrier is Safety National Casualty Corporation (SNCC) out of St. Louis, MO, a leading provider of excess workers’ compensation coverage to the public sector since 1942. KMIT holds both aggregate and specific excess coverage with SNCC, with a self-insured retention per occurrence of $850,000.

Actuarial Studies

KMIT strongly believes in examining history and planning for the future.  Milliman out of Seattle, WA has provided annual actuarial reports for KMIT since the Pool’s inception.


KMIT believes the best way to reduce the likelihood of work comp related injuries is to provide its members with information about claims and loss prevention.  KMIT provides its members with a bi-monthly digital newsletter, KMIT Notes, which provides safety tips and highlights trends in work comp, as well as supervisor trainings seminars throughout the state each year.

KMIT is a workers’ compensation program for Kansas public entities and is endorsed by the League of Kansas Municipalities.

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